17 Oct

John Green's "The Fault in Our Stars," published in 2012, is a profoundly moving young adult novel that has touched the hearts of readers around the world. The story of Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters, two teenagers who meet at a cancer support group, has captivated audiences with its exploration of love, life, and mortality. In this comprehensive 2000-word book review, we will delve into the novel's central themes, its well-drawn characters, and the impact it has made on both young adult literature and the wider literary world.

Plot Summary

"The Fault in Our Stars" is a novel that confronts the fragility of life and the inevitability of death. It tells the story of Hazel Grace Lancaster, a sixteen-year-old girl with thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs. Hazel's life is marked by solitude, endless medical treatments, and the companionship of a single novel she has read repeatedly. Her life takes a surprising turn when she reluctantly attends a cancer support group.

At the support group, Hazel meets Augustus Waters, a charming and witty seventeen-year-old who is in remission from osteosarcoma. Augustus is drawn to Hazel's intelligence and beauty, and their shared experiences with cancer create a deep connection. As their friendship blossoms, so does their understanding of love and the complexities of life.

A pivotal moment in the novel is when Augustus uses his "Wish" to take Hazel to Amsterdam to meet her favorite author, Peter Van Houten, who has become reclusive and detached from his readers. The trip becomes a journey of self-discovery, adventure, and the exploration of their feelings for one another.

The novel explores the impact of cancer on young lives, the uncertainty of remission, and the daunting prospect of death. It delves into the complex emotions surrounding illness, hope, and mortality. As Hazel and Augustus navigate the ups and downs of their relationship, they face both personal and external challenges, all while grappling with the existential question of the meaning of life.

"The Fault in Our Stars" is also a story within a story, as Hazel's favorite novel, "An Imperial Affliction," serves as a recurring motif. The unfinished novel, which explores the life of a girl with cancer, is a source of connection and reflection for Hazel and Augustus. 

They become determined to learn about the fate of its characters and their own connection to the novel's enigmatic ending. The novel's narrative unfolds with moments of humor, tenderness, and heartache, as it confronts the harsh realities of living with cancer while celebrating the beauty of love and human connection.


1. Love and Loss

A central theme in "The Fault in Our Stars" is the profound and poignant connection between love and loss. The novel explores the beauty and fragility of love, the inevitability of loss, and the enduring impact that love has on individuals, even in the face of mortality.

2. Mortality and Illness

The theme of mortality is ever-present, as the characters in the novel grapple with their illnesses and the knowledge of their impending deaths. The novel offers a sensitive portrayal of the emotional and physical toll that illness takes on young lives and their loved ones.

3. Existential Questions

The novel delves into existential questions about the meaning of life, the nature of suffering, and the pursuit of answers to unanswerable questions. Hazel and Augustus confront the limits of their understanding as they seek meaning in their experiences.

4. The Power of Storytelling

Storytelling is a recurring theme, as the characters bond over their favorite books and seek meaning in the narratives they encounter. The novel raises questions about the role of literature in helping individuals make sense of their lives and the world.

5. Resilience and Hope

Resilience and hope are themes explored through the characters' determination to live fully despite their illnesses. The novel celebrates the strength of the human spirit and the capacity for hope even in the darkest of times.

6. The Search for Identity

The characters grapple with questions of identity, both in the context of illness and as young adults. They confront the challenge of defining themselves beyond their medical conditions and the limitations that illness places on their lives.


Hazel Grace Lancaster

Hazel Grace is the novel's protagonist, and her character undergoes significant development as she navigates the complexities of her illness, her relationship with Augustus, and her quest for answers about "An Imperial Affliction." Hazel is a thoughtful and introspective character who is passionate about literature and the power of stories.

Augustus Waters

Augustus Waters, known as Gus, is a central figure in the novel. His character is marked by charm, intelligence, and humor. Augustus is in remission from osteosarcoma and serves as a source of inspiration and love for Hazel. His character confronts the challenges of mortality and the pursuit of a meaningful life.

Peter Van Houten

Peter Van Houten is the enigmatic author of "An Imperial Affliction," Hazel's favorite novel. His character represents the mysteries and disappointments of reality compared to the narratives of fiction. Van Houten plays a significant role in the novel's climax during the trip to Amsterdam.


Isaac is Gus's best friend and a member of the support group. He faces the prospect of losing his eyesight due to retinoblastoma. Isaac's character serves as a reflection of the impact of illness on young lives and the importance of friendship in times of adversity.

Mrs. Lancaster and Mrs. Waters

Hazel and Augustus's mothers, Mrs. Lancaster and Mrs. Waters, are significant characters who provide love and support to their children. Their characters reflect the sacrifices and strength of parents in the face of their children's illnesses.

Impact and Reception

"The Fault in Our Stars" has had a profound impact on both the young adult literature genre and the broader literary world. The novel received critical acclaim for its poignant portrayal of love, loss, and illness. John Green's sensitive and realistic depiction of characters facing mortality has resonated with readers of all ages.

The book's exploration of themes like love, mortality, and the power of storytelling has sparked discussions and reflections on the human condition. 

"The Fault in Our Stars" has prompted conversations about the way society approaches illness, grief, and the complexities of living with a terminal diagnosis. The novel's adaptation into a successful film in 2014, directed by Josh Boone, introduced the story to an even wider audience and further solidified its impact on popular culture.

Young readers, in particular, have been drawn to the novel's authentic characters and its exploration of the emotional complexities of youth. Many have found solace and inspiration in the characters' resilience and hope, as well as the profound and tragic love story at the heart of the narrative.


"The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green is a heart-wrenching and beautifully written exploration of love, life, and loss. The novel's central message, that love and meaning can be found even in the face of mortality, has resonated with readers of all ages and has left a lasting impact on young adult literature and the broader literary world.

Green's work challenges the reader to confront difficult questions about existence, love, and the human experience. "The Fault in Our Stars" is a testament to the enduring power of storytelling to help individuals navigate the complexities of life and find hope and connection even in the darkest of times. It is a moving and profound tribute to the human spirit and the enduring capacity for love and beauty in the face of suffering. 

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