17 Oct

Emily Brontë's "Wuthering Heights," published in 1847 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell, is a novel that defies easy categorization. It's a tale of love, revenge, and the supernatural set against the backdrop of the Yorkshire moors. Brontë's only novel has captured the imaginations of readers for generations with its haunting narrative and complex characters. In this extensive 2000-word book review, we will explore the novel's intricate plot, its enigmatic characters, and its enduring influence on literature and popular culture.

Plot Summary

"Wuthering Heights" is framed as a series of narratives, primarily recounted by Mr. Lockwood, a gentleman from London, who becomes a tenant at Thrushcross Grange. His landlord, Heathcliff, lives at the nearby Wuthering Heights. It is through Mr. Lockwood's perspective that the story of Wuthering Heights unfolds.

Mr. Lockwood arrives at Wuthering Heights and is greeted with hostility by the household's residents. He soon realizes that the house is not a welcoming place. The inhabitants include the surly and enigmatic Heathcliff, the fierce Joseph, and a host of servants who all seem to resent Mr. Lockwood's intrusion.

Lockwood's interactions with Heathcliff are uncomfortable, but as the narrative unfolds, he becomes increasingly curious about the history of the household. He is particularly intrigued by a window with a name scratched onto the glass: "Catherine Earnshaw."Heathcliff's demeanor and the ghostly presence of Catherine pique Mr. Lockwood's interest, and he begins to inquire about the history of Wuthering Heights and its mysterious inhabitants. 

He learns that Heathcliff was a foundling taken in by Mr. Earnshaw, Catherine's father. Catherine and Heathcliff were childhood friends, and their relationship blossomed into a deep and passionate love. The narrative shifts from Mr. Lockwood's perspective to the accounts of others who have experienced the tragic tale firsthand. 

Nelly Dean, a servant at Wuthering Heights, serves as the primary narrator, recounting the events she has witnessed over the years. The novel delves into the history of the Earnshaw and Linton families and their entangled destinies. The passionate love between Catherine and Heathcliff becomes the epicenter of the narrative. Yet, the constraints of social class, money, and fate lead Catherine to marry Edgar Linton, a man of higher social standing. This decision sets in motion a series of tragic events that will affect the lives of generations to come.

Heathcliff, embittered by Catherine's betrayal, becomes a complex and vengeful character. He ruthlessly seeks to destroy those who have wronged him, including the Lintons and their descendants. The novel explores themes of revenge, obsession, and the haunting power of the past. The story also introduces characters such as Catherine's daughter, Cathy, and Linton Heathcliff, the weak and sickly son of Heathcliff and Isabella Linton. 

Their lives are intertwined with those of the previous generation, and their fates are shaped by the dark legacy of Wuthering Heights. The narrative further delves into themes of the supernatural, with haunting and eerie occurrences that blur the line between the living and the dead. The ghosts of Catherine and Heathcliff's love linger over Wuthering Heights, and their influence continues to impact the living.

The novel's climax sees a culmination of the tensions and vendettas that have been building over generations. The fates of the characters are sealed, and the narrative concludes with a sense of melancholy and inevitability.


1. Love and Obsession

"Love and Obsession" are central themes in "Wuthering Heights." The novel explores the intensity and destructiveness of love, as well as the fine line between love and obsession. The passionate, almost otherworldly connection between Catherine and Heathcliff forms the heart of the narrative.

2. Revenge and Retribution

"Revenge and Retribution" are recurring themes in the novel. Heathcliff's relentless pursuit of revenge against those who wronged him drives the narrative's darker aspects. The novel delves into the consequences of revenge and the cycle of vengeance that spans generations.

3. Social Class and Inequality

"Social Class and Inequality" are significant themes in "Wuthering Heights." The novel highlights the rigid social hierarchy of the time and the constraints it imposes on characters like Catherine and Heathcliff. The theme explores the impact of social class on individual destinies.

4. Nature and the Supernatural

"Nature and the Supernatural" play a vital role in the novel. The wild and desolate Yorkshire moors are not just a setting but a powerful presence in the narrative. The supernatural occurrences and ghostly elements add a layer of mysticism to the story, blurring the boundaries between the natural and the otherworldly.

5. Isolation and Loneliness

"Isolation and Loneliness" are pervasive themes in the novel. Characters such as Heathcliff and Catherine experience profound isolation and alienation, and their suffering is rooted in their inability to connect with others. The theme underscores the emotional and psychological toll of isolation.

6. Legacy and Inheritance

"Legacy and Inheritance" are central themes that span generations in the novel. The legacy of love, revenge, and the past's haunting power shapes the lives of characters like Cathy and Linton Heathcliff. The novel explores the idea that individuals are bound by the actions of those who came before them.



Heathcliff is one of the novel's central and enigmatic characters. His character embodies themes of love, revenge, and the haunting power of the past. Heathcliff's complex and vengeful nature is at the heart of the narrative.

Catherine Earnshaw

Catherine Earnshaw is Heathcliff's childhood love and a central character in the novel. Her character represents themes of love, obsession, and the impact of social class on individual destinies. Catherine's decisions set in motion the tragic events of the narrative.

Mr. Lockwood

Mr. Lockwood serves as the initial narrator and observer of the story. His character represents themes of curiosity and the outsider's perspective. Lockwood's interactions with the residents of Wuthering Heights provide readers with an entry point into the narrative.

Nelly Dean

Nelly Dean is a servant at Wuthering Heights and the primary narrator of the story. Her character embodies themes of memory, storytelling, and the impact of the past on the present. Nelly's recollections provide readers with firsthand accounts of the novel's events.


Cathy, Catherine Earnshaw's daughter, is a central character in the novel's later generations. Her character represents themes of legacy, inheritance, and the enduring impact of the past on the present.

Linton Heathcliff

Linton Heathcliff, the son of Heathcliff and Isabella Linton, is another character in the novel's later generations. His character embodies themes of weakness, manipulation, and the consequences of past actions.

Impact and Reception

"Wuthering Heights" initially received mixed reviews upon its publication, with some critics finding its dark and unconventional narrative unsettling. However, the novel's distinctive qualities eventually led to its recognition as a literary masterpiece.

Over time, "Wuthering Heights" has become a classic of English literature and a staple in the literary canon. It has continued to captivate readers with its intricate narrative, complex characters, and exploration of profound themes.

The novel's influence extends beyond literature, with numerous adaptations in film, television, and other media. Countless writers, filmmakers, and artists have drawn inspiration from the novel's dark and passionate themes.


"Wuthering Heights" by Emily Brontë is a haunting and enigmatic novel that continues to resonate with readers and scholars alike. Its exploration of love, obsession, revenge, and the supernatural, set against the backdrop of the desolate Yorkshire moors, makes it a work of enduring fascination and complexity.

The novel's characters, particularly Heathcliff and Catherine, remain iconic figures in literature, representing the dark and powerful aspects of human nature. "Wuthering Heights" challenges conventional notions of love, class, and societal norms, and its influence on the Gothic and Romantic literary traditions is undeniable.

Emily Brontë's singular work is a testament to the enduring power of literature to provoke thought, stir emotions, and transcend time. It continues to be a compelling and enigmatic exploration of the human experience, reminding readers that love, obsession, and revenge are themes as timeless as the novel itself. 

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